
More Than ABC is a informative, fun, creative blog dedicated to share what is going in in our classroom. Using technology, creativity, and quality materials keeps us busy! If your in my class or just a visitor, I'm glad you stopped in!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pennies For Patients Success

I'm so impressed!

Our student council ran the Pennies for Patients fundraiser to help kids with Leukemia and Lymphoma. 
Student Council suggested we each bring in some pennies to help donate.

After the first week I knew we had a good amount, but those responsibly pesky Student Council representatives collected it before we could count it.  The second week I did't want to make the same mistake.

Every morning kids kept bringing in coins, but I didn't really pay attention to who, how many, or how long it was taking them to put it in our class box.

Thursday rolls around and I dig through the box.  It was HEAVY!  I knew we had a lot, but figured a quick math lesson of sets of a dollar could come in handy.  Every kid made groups of a dollar on our table, and then more groups, and more groups of a dollar.

86 groups later, we were impressed!

As a school, we raised over $780 dollars!

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